Fun means full mind/body involvement. Fun is the life force from which all action flows in performance. Fun frees the individual from the drudgery of drill, repetition, and stale ritual. It contains within it discipline, involvement and commitment to an action without judgment. It is doing for its own sake, thus giving the individual total freedom to act in accordance with his/her own nature.

Fun is universally used by children to explore their world and associations with others. Fun is used by adults as an escape from the work of living. The effort and demands put upon them by society. What happened to the child in us? Isn’t living an exploration of your world and your associations in it? Can it be that different? The answer is no.

I almost typed the answer is NOW! and that is the deeper truth.  – Gary Schwartz

Crystal Ball

To the witch she did go
to find out what the future holds
and to the seeker, the following was told

“Present time you must find
and within it dwell.
For in there is the key
that opens the door to the Great Mystery.
And the Future you will see.

But hark!
If in present time you cannot dwell
you’ll have no future to foretell.
Trapped in the past you’ll always be.”

So she went forth
to dwell in present time.

But alas!

Present time
like the divine
is most difficult
to find.

  •  Viola Spolin (from her book of poems Excursions Into the Intuitive)